What is SEO copywriting?

To comprehend this, you must first comprehend what SEO and copywriting are.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a term that refers to the process of optimizing It is the process of selecting the appropriate keywords and strategically incorporating them into a blog post or landing page to make it simpler for search engines to find.

Copywriting, on the other hand, is the ability to create content that entices readers' interest and prompts them to take action.

Based on these, SEO copywriting is the ability to create content that piques the interest of your readers and motivates them to take action. Simultaneously, it's creating information that Google can readily find and include in its SERPs.

Whether you're just starting out as a freelance SEO copywriter or have been doing it for a while, knowing which SEO tactics to use is critical. Otherwise, your clients will be dissatisfied and will terminate your relationship with them.

Here are 5 SEO strategies to employ.

1. Make eye-catching headlines.

In SEO copywriting, this is critical. This is because when your readers search for material on Google, this will be the first item they see. It's also one of the most important variables Google takes into account when ranking your content.

Here are some pointers on how to write a title that will grab the attention of your readers (and Google):

Make use of numbers.

According to ConversionXL's research, headlines with figures tend to garner more clicks than those without. This is because including numbers in your content provide your readers a better notion of what to expect when they read it.

Examine the outcomes of your search.

Google the term you want to use. Pay great attention to the material listed below the advertising on the first SERP. Look for parallels in the way they're written and use them in your headline.

Keep it brief and to the point.

The appearance of your title on search result pages influences whether or not your readers will click on your link.

Keep your headline to 72 characters or less to avoid it being cut off when Google displays it in its SERP. Your target readers will understand what your material is about as a result, increasing the likelihood of them clicking.

2. Focus on keyword intent.

One of the most common errors made by freelance SEO copywriters is focusing just on keyword frequency and density.

This strategy may have succeeded in the early 2000s, but it is no longer effective. Putting too much focus on them can lead to Google flagging your content and website as spammy.

That isn't to say you should abandon keywords entirely; they are still necessary.

Instead of focusing on how frequently the term you've chosen appears, you should concentrate on keyword purpose. This implies you need to figure out why your target audience is searching for this keyword on Google.

To accomplish so, you must first understand your target audience or that of your clients. This is when a buyer persona comes in handy.

A buyer persona tells you what keeps your target customer awake at night, rather than just giving you demographics:

- Are they seeking a solution to a problem?

- Maybe they're looking for ways to make their lives easier?

- Maybe they heard about a fantastic opportunity and want to learn more?

Once that's established, you may build your content around it.

3. Target locals.

Did you know that 46% of individuals browsing on Google are looking for local business information?

Aside from including your contact information (or that of your customer) on the website, make sure you also build content and landing pages that incorporate search terms that your target audience will utilize.

If you're intending to construct a website to offer your services as a freelance SEO copywriter and you live in Las Vegas, for example, including the keyword phrase "SEO copywriting services in Las Vegas" can be effective.

People may now search on Google without typing a single word because of the advancement of AI technology. And your target audience will appreciate it!

You must ensure that the information you produce can be found by Siri, Alexa, Conterra, and other voice search assistants as a freelance SEO copywriter.

Use keyword phrases that are written in a question format. Then, within your blog post or article, provide the answer.

The links in your content are another aspect that Google considers when determining how well your content will rank.

However, don't make the mistake of filling your text with links, just as you shouldn't with keywords. All hyperlinks are not created equal. Make sure the site you're linking to has a high domain and page authority so you can be certain that the supplementary resources you include in your content are also of high quality.

Include links to additional stuff on your (or your client's) website. This will not only help Google find and rank the other content you've written, but it will also diversify the links you've received on your content.

Also Check: How to develop a social media strategy for your freelance business

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