Freelance writing mistakes that could cost you a lot of money

Working as a professional freelance writer is a dream career for many people. The freedom to establish your own hours and write from nearly anywhere there is an internet connection are both excellent arguments.

As you may assume, becoming a full-time freelance writer is a difficult task. The competition is fierce, and making a reputation for oneself can be challenging. Prospective freelancers frequently find themselves doing assignments that pay less than they believe they are worth just to get their foot in the door.

Here, we'll look at some of the most typical mistakes freelance writers make, many of which lead to their giving up.

1. Procrastination

Many people overestimate their ability to be disciplined and end up starting initiatives too late. This usually degrades the quality of the work and may even result in the writer missing deadlines.

"When you work a regular nine-to-five job, you are expected to be in a specific location, ready to go, at a specific time. This lack of choice is what drives individuals to arrive on time every day," explains Jane Bishop, an HR expert at Writinity and Lastminutewriting.

Developing a work schedule is the most effective method to battle procrastination. Writers should establish a morning routine in which they write by a specific hour and evaluate their progress on a regular basis.

2. Not Getting Enough Rest

Freelance writing has a propensity to burn people out, especially in the early stages. Writers generally take on as many duties as they can when they first start out. They may spend the better part of each day writing if they are industrious and disciplined. Those authors who lack these characteristics will invariably start late and find themselves writing frantically till well beyond their sleep. People will become exhausted as a result of this, and will either not get enough sleep or sleep at irregular hours.

Much research has been conducted on the health consequences of poor sleeping patterns. People must receive at least 7 hours of sleep per night and be consistent in the time they go to bed and wake up in order to perform well. Failure to do so will have an adverse effect on a person's overall health and, eventually, their writing abilities.

Many authors say they are intensely aware of their energy levels and how they influence their writing. Those who don't get enough sleep or sleep at irregular intervals describe themselves as groggy, uncreative, and mentally foggy.

3. Working For Free

Working for free or next to nothing is seen to be a fantastic method to break into the freelance writing market. This, however, is not the case. Although new writers cannot charge as much as experienced writers, they should nevertheless expect to be compensated fairly for their efforts.

Another factor to consider is that by working for free or for very little money, the writer is lowering the market value of all writers. Working for free does nothing to establish a writer's reputation, and it has a negative impact on other writers who want to charge a fair price for their services.

4. Taking On More Clients Than One Can Handle

It's difficult for a fresh freelance writer to turn down extra work. While having a large number of clients is beneficial, it is not advisable to take on more work than one person can fairly handle. Some people may choose to just work longer hours, but this is a certain way to burn out.

Burnout is a common occurrence among new writers. This state can have a negative impact on overall work quality. It's crucial to remember that quality over quantity is always preferable. Writers may lose revenue if the quality of their work suffers as a result of taking on too many clients.

5. Not Setting Goals

A full-time writing job explains the final product but not the procedures involved in getting there. Simply stating that you're 'working towards' a full-time writing profession isn't enough. If a writer wants to be successful, he or she must create precise goals for himself. For example, a writer might set a goal of having three long-term clients by the end of the year. Instead of just taking on whatever jobs are available, they can now better appraise projects and clients with the aim in mind.

6. Not Thinking Long Term

Clients come and go, as any freelance writer who has been around for a while knows. Some clients may be required to work for long periods of time before the employment suddenly stops. Even if they have one or two excellent clients, a writer should always be on the lookout for new work if they have the time. The more work a writer does for a variety of clientele, the more stable their work will be in the long run.

Check back here to learn more about freelance work and how to protect yourself against fraud.